
Breaking the princess v0.35 by Pyorgara, Breaking the princess is a game about The story is that the titular princess was assigned to take charge of a remote mining town beset by constant monster attacks. She fires the main character, Hugar, from his position as a local leader for his insubordination when he points out how shit she is at running the place. Eventually she’s forced to accept that he’s the only one who could maybe save her from being forced to flee back to the capitol in disgrace (as her political enemies intended when they maneuvered for her to be given the assignment), and agrees to his terms of letting him run the place and rewarding good management with sexual favors. (Formally Know As) Outskirts

Updated: 2024-07-19
Release Date: 2024-07-19
Developer: Pyorgara – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: v0.35
OS: Windows
Language: English
Other Game: NEW DESK
Genre: 2DCG, Anal Sex, Ddsm, Combat, Male Protagonist, Management, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Strategy, Text Based, Titfuck, Vaginal Sex

1. Extract game to its own folder
2. Run
– Added Harmony’s unveiled talking puppet.
– Added CG (Felicity first time)
– Added CG (Felicity bl*wjob)
– Added CG (Felicity an*l)
– Added CG (Harmony an*l)
– Added 7 Harmony scenes.
– Added the first ending.

– Added 4 Felicity scenes.
– Added 4 Felicity messenger scenes.
– Added 4 Harmony reaction scenes.
– Added last BGs (Workshop, Fighting pit, Church).

– Added the Harmony town and punishment scenes for Beast pen, Workshop, Fighting pit and Church. (A total of 48 scenes)
– Added next Felicity scenes.
– Added beast pen BG.

– Finished the coding for all Harmony building bonuses and minuses.
– Finished all “in town” and “punishment” Harmony scenes for Dorm, Vault, Barracks, Guard house, Factory, Tavern and Brothel. (54 scenes!)
– Added the BGs for Vault, Guard house, Factory, Tavern and Brothel.

The deets:
– Added a censor window that will pop up if you have not already decided.
– Added a button in “system” to call back the censor window if you change your mind.
– Added an auto-deploy button to raids. It will fill up all scouted spaces if you have the right units.
– Added two clicks for town deployment.
– Added two clicks for wall deployment.
– New BG (Theater)
– New BG (Bathhouse)
– New BG (Aquarine)

– 5 new scenes for the bathhouse.
– 10 new scenes for the theater.
– Added a warning if actions to be used (the red number) are higher than the present actions maximum (blue number).
– Made save slot #1 be an auto save at the start of each round so that you can always restart if you make a mistake and forgot to save.
– New BG (on top of the wall).
– BUG: fixed destroy function on buildings.
– BUG: fixed Aquarine safety percentage. (it didn’t take into account some number changes)
– BUG: fixed a way you could soft lock yourself with Aquarine or Hunting tabs.

1 posts down for the cheat password.
2 posts down for BtP 0.27.
3 posts down for BtP 0.26.
Look in the OP for the free BtP 0.25 build links.

The deets:
– All events retouched and rebalanced.
– Most events (new and old) will change as you buy proclamations.
– New proclamation. (Bog hag)
– New proclamation. (Bathhouse 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2)
– New proclamation. (Theater 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2)
– New event. (Earthquake)
– New event. (High storm)
– New event. (Weakness)
– New event. (Baby boom)
– New event. (Wall works)
– New event. (Bog hag)
– Can now deploy unique units to Bathhouse if proclamation 3 is bought.
– Can now deploy unique units to Theater if proclamation 3 is bought.
– New Bathhouse scenes. (Takgore, Hugar, Julianna, Harmony, Elizabeth)
– New Theater scenes. (Takgore, Hugar, Julianna, Harmony, Elizabeth)
– New CG. (Julianna – Impregnation play)
– New CG. (Harmony – Upside down spank)
– New CG. (Elizabeth – Catnip)

– Added “tutorial replay” in the help screen.
– Added an index to the help screen.
– Update the information in the help screen.
– The “lethal” skill used to give -30 to the live skill of the unit facing it. Now, it always forces a clash.
– The “rage” skill used to always force a clash. Now, whenever this unit gains attack, it gains triple the bonus.
– The “fear” skill now also targets Berzerkers as well as Scrubs.
– The “hero killer” skill now also gives -10 lives to all your troops.
– The “fly” skill used to give double attack. It now allows the monster to directly destroy a building if it is not stopped even if there are still walls to block.
– The “destruction” skill is now added to the wall destroyed total for easy viewing.
– Added a scrollbar to proclamations and made the system dynamic so it can have any number of entries. (Used to only support 11 options.)
– Added “firefighters” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Militia” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Foremen” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Assistants” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Trade route” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Shock troops” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Hunting towers” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Civil engineering” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Hunting grounds” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Added “Festival” 1, 2 and 3 to proclamations.
– Updated the “Fire!” event.
– Updated the “Monster spotted!” event.
– Updated the “Bandit spotted!” event.
– Added new CG (Harmony – C*ck slap)
– Added new CG (Julianna – ATM)
– Added new CG (Elizabeth – B*tt plug tail)
– Fixed A bug where mages could make you win all clashes.
– Fixed A bug where Harmony’s skill to put permanent fear on all scrubs would also target all other units.
– Fixed A bug where monsters with the destruction skill would sometimes do double damage to the walls.

– New banner up there!
– Rearranged the girl’s s*x buttons.
– Made it so that the girl’s s*x options only open if you have the corresponding prerequisite.
– Added the raiding mechanic.
– Added Felicity’s character puppet. (will need a touch up as her linework is slightly pixelated because of an oversight.)
– Intro for Felicity. (new girl)
– Added the new phase starter.
– New CGs (Harmony – n*pple control)
– Updated the tutorial. (for the way actions have changed in the last build)
– Aquarine Bug: The safety could go under 0 or cause an endless source of safety.


– Fixed the BtP android problem for the four games.
– Added the 8th and 9th battlefield when you open mine 3 and 4.
– The not enough resource warning now tells you what you are missing.
– when a building is destroyed in battle, tell the player which building it was in the “losses” part of the after battle panel. (previously named “death”.)
– when a troop is killed by an event, tell the player which one it was.
– when a building is destroyed by an event, tell the player which one it was.
– add rapid army deployment 1 for free at the start of the game.
– New CGs (Julianna – An*l org*sm)
– New CGs (Harmony – Slap her t*ts).

The deets:
– New scene (Harmony – Upside down spank)
– New scene (Elizabeth – Catnip)
– New scene (Julianna – Natural lube)
– New scene (Harmony – Topper)
– New scene (Elizabeth – F*ck her face)
– New scene (Julianna – *ss to c*nt)
– New CG (Elizabeth – Endless f*ck).

The deets:
– Android builds (tomorrow)
– New scene (Harmony – C*ck slap)
– New scene (Elizabeth – B*tplug tail)
– New scene (Julianna – Impregnation play)
– New CG (Julianna – Standing f*ck)
– Added the 72 tutorial pics.
– Added the new icons.


– New event (Monster spotted!).
– New event (New homes).
– New event (Beautiful thief).
– New event (Death with no family).
– New event (Bandit spotted!).
– New event (Gem vein).
– New event (Home improvement).
– New event (Fire!).
– New proclamation (Hunting seats).
– New proclamation (Aquarine seats).
– New proclamation (Army rapid deployment).
– New proclamation (Punishment).
– New proclamation (Courtship).
– New proclamation (Pr*stitution).
– Changed proclamation (Donate pelts).
– In the “New round gains” panel, the “Building gains” portion has been changed to “General gains” and will include more things like the +10 actions that you gain every turn and proclamation gains.
– Troops now stay in hunting and aquarine seats on new rounds.
– updated the right click help pages with the rage and snipe skills.
– New CG (Harmony – T*tjob).
– Fixed some bugs new and old.

– Added Takgore puppet art
– Added UI art (so much art. Lol).
– Added more time before army or building popup for easier selection.
– When opening an army popup, it will also open the enemy popup and vice versa (this speeds up looking at units and skills of both sides.).
– Elizabeth CG (bl*wjob)
– Added archers and churches to the game.
– Added berzerkers and fighting pits to the game.
– Added churches and fighting pits to proclamations.
– A bunch of backend tweaks.

– Added cheat. (No monsters)
– Added cheat. (Everything is free)
– Added Elizabeth’s talking sprite to the game.
– Added Slash page menu.
– Wall repairing added. (with different additions depending on unit used)
– Fixed building bugs. (Loading bug and when removing units from them)
– Monster skill added. (destruction(number))
– Monster skill added. (hero killer)
– Monster skill added. (letal)
– Troop skills also developed but the units are not available yet.



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