
Snow Daze: The Music of Winter v1.6 by Cypress Zeta, Snow Daze (formerly Home Invasion) is a visual novel with mind control/inc*st themes game. You play as Jason, an unloved son trapped in a house with his three hot sisters and sexy mom. A blizzard hits forcing everyone to be snowed into the same house for a week. With everyone finally trapped in the same house he has a plan – a plan involving musical subliminals and a sexy future.

The main character is a young musician named Jason that is rejected by his family and lusts after his milfy mom and three hot sisters. Stuck in the attic he lives mostly to play his cello. There’s an older smart sister named Kira, his sporty twin sister named Jane, and his flirtatious and carefree younger sister named Sarah. A blizzard happens and they’re snowed in – he takes advantage of this and puts his musical talents to use. He plays subliminal audio files through the floor of his attic room at night that will let him put the girls into a trance during the day. This doesn’t give him unlimited power, however – he still has to gradually break down their inhibitions to get them to do what he wants.

Updated: 2020-12-18
Developer/Publisher: Cypress Zeta – Patreon – Subscribestar 
Censorship: No
Version: 1.6
OS: Windows/Mac/Linux/Android
Language: English

Male Protagonist, Big Tits, Big Ass, Intercourse, Blowjob, Titfuck, Sexual Training, Incest, Mind control, Corruption, 2D Art, Masturbation, Spanking.
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on SnowDaze.exe to start playing.



Hello everyone! This is it! The very truly for ever last update of Snow Daze the Music of Winter!

This contains some extras and cut content, namely the individual extended endings for characters and bloopers content. These individual endings are sketch only but do have full voice acting.

v 1.4

  • changed the gallery so that things unlock a little easier
  • added underwear outfits
  • fixed a missing sprite in Day 4
  • fixed some expressions in Day 4
  • added more bonus stories
  • fixed a voice line in Day 2
  • fixed an expression in night 4
  • fixed a sound in day 5
  • fixed the missing option in Sarah’s route in Day 5
  • simplified the main menu a bit


  • changed “Next” and “Previous” to “Next Track” and “Previous Track”
  • fixed a gallery preview missing
More technical day 1-5


Day 1

  • Take it slow.


  • What do you do for a living? (+1 Kira Point)
  • You don’t need to perform. Not when you’re at home. (+1 Kira Point)
  • You need to learn to relax.
  • That’s okay. You don’t have to say anything you’re not comfortable with. (+1 Kira Point)
  • Hey – we’re siblings. We can totally trust each other. Don’t you trust me?
  • I like silly. (+1 Kira Point)
  • You should show me your panties. (+2 Kira Point)


  • Why do you go on so many dates?
  • Isn’t there enough company at home for you? (+1 Sarah Point)
  • Puppies are so free, aren’t they? (+1 Sarah Point)
  • Wouldn’t it be fun to act like a dog sometimes? (+1 Sarah Point or +2 if Total Sarah points at this point is 2 or more.)
  • Would the doggie like a bone?
  • Go to the kitchen and grab her some meat. (+1 Sarah Point if Total Sarah points at this point is 3 or more.)
  • (Automatic +1 Sarah Point after the “meat scene” regardless of result.)


  • (Joking) Do you want to watch me in the shower? (+2 Jane points)
  • We used to be close. What happened? (+1 Jane point)
  • Are you even wearing anything feminine right now? (-1 Jane point or +1 Jane point if Total Jane Points at this point is 2 or more.)


  • It’s okay Mom, I talked to Jane. Everything is fine. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • I think YOU should apologize. (+3 Noelle Points)
  • Is that all you wanted to talk to me about? (-1 Noelle Point if Total Noelle Points at this point is 3 or less.)
  • I’m a teenage boy. I have needs.
  • I guess if I watched you in the shower, I wouldn’t have to peek at them any more.

Day 2

  • Whatever is making you nervous, it’s okay. (+1 Jane Point)
  • Why are you so nervous today?
  • You look really feminine doing that. (+2 Jane Points)
  • Split the work. (+1 Jane Point)


  • You seem happier today. (+1 Kira Point)
  • I don’t remember you having any boyfriends. (+1 Kira Point)
  • You should do what you want.


  • Yesterday I told you to pretend to be a puppy when you were alone. Did you? (+1 Sarah Point)
  • Did you enjoy pretending to be a puppy?. (+1 Sarah Point)
  • ‘”Nice ‘collar!’ (+1 Sarah Point)
  • You should focus on making others happy. (+1 Sarah Point)


  • Can it wait? I have something I need to do, pretty urgently… (+1 Noelle Point)
  • No, I’m pretty sure you wanted to discuss your urges.
  • Do you? Because I promise, it’s worse than you’re imagining. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • I’m so horny, all the time. I was actually about to jerk off before you came in. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • It’s not my fault. After all the skin being shown around the house… (+1 Noelle Point)
  • And that’s not all! (+1 Noelle Point if “Jane Strips” scene is unlocked and another +1 Noelle Point if “Panty Flash” scene is unlocked.)
  • (Automatic +2 Noelle Points if Total Noelle Points is 3 or more.)

Day 3

  • It’s natural for a girl to be desired by men. (+1 Jane Point)
  • It feels good to show off. (+1 Jane Point)
  • Either:
    • Let’s be partners. (+2 Jane Points)
    • Girls are worth less than guys. (+2 Jane Points if Total Jane Points is 6 or more.)
  • (Automatic +1 Point to the character with the lowest score.)


  • Have you been a bad puppy? (+1 Sarah Point)
  • So teasing me like that is very naughty, isn’t it? (+2 Sarah Points)
  • (Automatic +2 Sarah Points if Total Sarah Points is 6 or more.)
  • (Automatic +1 Point to the character with the lowest score.)


  • Mom, I want to cum on you right now.
  • Mom, I’m so unsatisfied.
  • The best way of helping would be to tell my sisters to help out. (+2 Noelle Points)
  • Your plan isn’t working, Mom.
  • (Automatic +1 Point to the character with the lowest score.)


  • Think about what I’m going through. (+1 Kira Points)
  • What if I asked you to obey my every sexual command?
  • Why don’t you give me a chance? (+2 Kira Points)
  • I’ll prove it to you. (If Total Kira Points is 5 or more.)

Day 4

  • You look sexy in that dress. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • It felt good to obey me and make everyone look sexy, didn’t it? (+1 Noelle Point)
  • I’m not asking them to do anything you wouldn’t do. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • They’re a tool to turn me on. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • Either:
    • You’re helping me because of how guilty you feel, aren’t you? (+1 Noelle Point)
    • You should all feel guilty. (+1 Noelle Point)
  • Either:
    • Guilt is bad. We should all feel good. (+1 Noelle Point)
    • You all need to make up for what you’ve done. (+1 Noelle Point)


  • Be Cool. (+1 Jane Point)
  • (Try Subliminals) What if I got off to them knowing? I have needs. (+1 Jane Point)
  • Everyone looked feminine today. (+3 Jane Point)
  • Either:
    • Imagine they feel what you feel. (+1 Jane Point)
    • I bet they feel hot. (+1 Jane Point)
  • I’ve gotten off everywhere I wanted. (+3 Jane Points)

Noelle & Jane

  • We’re all family. There’s no judging here. (+1 Noelle Point) (+1 Jane Point)
  • Tell everyone what you enjoy. (+1 Jane Point)
  • Either:
    • Shouldn’t Jane feel guilty, mom? (+2 Noelle Points) (+1 Jane Point)
    • Femininity is your way of enjoying submission. (+1 Noelle Point) (+2 Jane Points)


  • (Try Subliminals) It feels good to be slutty. (+2 Kira Points)
  • Everyone can see how slutty you are. (+2 Kira Points)
  • Either:
    • Incest is hot. (+1 Kira Point)
    • What if you could be in charge of someone in the family? (+1 Kira Point)
  • Lesbian incest is super taboo. (+2 Kira Points)


  • What’s so wrong with them knowing? (+1 Sarah Point)
  • What if someone else in the family was a pervert too? (+1 Sarah Point)
  • Maybe they need a puppy. (+1 Sarah Point)

Kira & Sarah

  • Puppies need guidance and discipline. (+1 Sarah Point) (+1 Kira Point)
  • Animals are true to their desires. (+1 Sarah Point) (+1 Kira Point)
  • You’re a bitch in heat. (+1 Sarah Point) (+2 Kira Points)

Day 5
NOTE: The “Ending Choice” will decide which ending you will obtain. For further details, go to the “Good Ends” section.
Ending Choice

  • Kira
  • Sarah
  • Jane
  • Noelle
  • Brainwash yourself to renounce all bad feelings and become normal. (Normal Ending)
  • Brainwash yourself to double down and go for them all. (True Ending) (Option is only available after getting all character endings)

Good Ends
Character Endings

  • You’re showing me your panties right now. (+2 Kira Points)
  • You enjoy flashing me because it’s hot. (+2 Kira Points)
  • You enjoyed obeying me yesterday. (+2 Kira Points)
  • Any choice works (+1 Kira Point)
  • You want to be my slave.


  • Pull down your pants and show her your boner. (+1 Sarah Point)
  • Is there enough company at home, now?
  • Did you get off while pretending to be a dog? (+2 Sarah Points)
  • Nice collar! (+1 Sarah Point)
  • Animals are true to their desires. Your desire is to be my slave.


  • You know what’d be cool? If we started having showers together in the morning. (+2 Jane Points)
  • We should be partners. (+2 Jane Points)
  • It’s natural for you to find me sexy. (+2 Jane Points)
  • You want to be my slave.


  • Are you sure you don’t want to talk about sex? (+2 Noelle Points)
  • You want to discuss your urges. (+2 Noelle Points)
  • Mom, I want to fuck you. (+2 Noelle Points)
  • It felt good to obey me, didn’t it? (+2 Noelle Points)
  • Submission would be a better way of life.
  • You want to be my slave.

True Ending

  • Brainwash yourself to double down and go for them all.

Bad Ends
A bad end will occur once you choose the following choices. Some of which must meet certain conditions for it to occur.
Day 1

  • Do it now! It’s time to take charge! (Sad Jason Bad Ending Scene)


  • Would you have sex with a dog if we had one? (If Total Sarah Points is 1 or less.)


  • Why are you mad at me? (Cover Bad Ending)


  • Are you sure you don’t want to talk about sex?
  • What if you all had a shower together so I could watch? (Cooking Bad Ending)

Day 2

  • You look like a sexy housewife! (If Total Jane Points is 2 or less.)
  • She should do them all! (Noelle Bad Ending)


  • Not right now, Noelle. I need to jerk off.
  • No, I’m pretty sure you wanted to discuss your urges. (If Noelle’s “Shower Masturbation” scene is not attained during Day 1.)
  • Is this about yesterday in the shower? Because we said that was a one-time thing…
  • I’m constantly broke. You make a lot of money – how about giving me some of it?

Day 3

  • It feels good to be your brother’s sex toy.
  • It feels good to act slutty.
  • Girls are worth less than guys. (If Total Jane Points 5 or less.)


  • You need to be punished.
  • So suck my cock, bitch.


  • You can do anything you want to me. (Kira Bad Ending)
  • I’ll prove it to you. (If Total Kira Points is 4 or less.) (Kira Bad Ending)

Day 4

  • You should feel guilty about incest.


  • Either: (If Total Jane Points is 3 or less.)
    • Guilt is bad. We should all feel good.
    • You all need to make up for what you’ve done.
  • Focus on what you feel.

Noelle & Jane

  • Either: (If Total Noelle Points or Total Jane Points is 6 or less.)
    • Shouldn’t Jane feel guilty, mom?
    • Femininity is your way of enjoying submission.


  • You’re a puppyslut.
  • Dominance gets you hot.

Kira & Sarah

  • Either: (If Total Kira Points or Total Sarah Points is 5 or less.)
    • You’re a bitch in heat. (Sarah Bad Ending)
    • Think of Sarah’s needs


Sural’s Walkthrough below

Day 1:
First, choose take it slow at the table or you automatically lose the game.

Kira (Bookworm):
What do you do for a living
You don’t need to perform at home
You need to learn to relax
That’s okay, you don’t need to say anything you aren’t comfortable with
Hey, we’re siblings. You can totally trust me.
Is it naughty
I like silly
You should show my your panties

Sarah (Boy Crazy):
Where do you go on dates
Can’t you hang out at home
Wouldn’t it be fun to act like a dog sometimes
Puppies are so free
Would the doggie like a bone
Go to the kitchen and get some meat
That’s probably enough for now

Jane (Sporty Twin):
(Joking) Do you want to watch me in the shower
So what time are you going to be showering in the morning?
We used to be close, what happened?
Are you wearing anything feminine right now?

Noelle (Mother):
What did you want to talk about
I think YOU should apologize
Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?
I’m a teenage boy. I have needs.
I guess if I watched you in the shower I wouldn’t have to peek at them anymore.

Day 2
Jane – choices: 2 – 1 – 3 – 2
Kira – choices: 2 – 1 – 1 – 2
Sarah – choices: 1 – 1 – 3
Noelle – choices: 1 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 3 – 2 – 2

Day 3
1 natural girl
2 show off
1 partners

2 bad puppy
1 teasing

1 cum
1 suck
1 walk naked

1 think
1 far
2 chance
1 prove

11 Kira 14 Sarah 7 Noelle 9 Jane

Day 4

Noelle & Jane
Noelle first
Noelle and Jane together

Kira & Sarah
Kira & Sarah together




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Download For Android
SnowDaze 1.6: Galleryfix, Hints, Replay mod
MEDIAFIRE *extract zip into “/snowdaze-1.6/game” folder.


Keywords: Download Snow Daze: The Music of Winter Game.