Masters of Raana Free Download Latest Version GrimDark

Masters of Raana is an open-world RPG by GrimDark Game set in an abandoned colony, Ikaanos, on a dangerous planet that was separated from Earth several centuries ago. In this god-forsaken world feudal-like kingdoms fight amongst themselves for power and influence, when they’re not busy dealing with the monstrous megafauna that threatens the last bastion of human civilization.

On this planet, Raana, we find our MC – a nobody who has just inherited a house from his older brother, a renowned slave trainer that went missing over a year ago. Master of Raana’s open-world approach allows you to do anything; live as a quiet factory worker, a thrill-seeking adventurer, a scavenger, an academy master, a famous arena champion or anything in between.

You could also take up your brother’s old profession and train slaves into obedient servants, academy professors, fierce shield maidens, or willing sex toys.

You’re also able to marry slaves, impregnate them and raise your offspring to adulthood, molding your children into anything you want; adventure buddies, accountants, guards or docile servants.

The planet of Raana also has many secrets to uncover, some you might stumble upon whilst exploring deep caverns or reading ancient books. There are many dangerous and hidden mysteries that lie waiting, ready to be discovered by those who seek the truth about Raana’s obscure past.

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Updated: 2024-06-27
Release Date: 2024-06-27
Developer: GrimDark –– SubscribeStar – Patreon – Wiki
Censored: No
Version: – Public
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, 3DCG, Male protagonist, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, RPG, Combat, Adventure, BDSM, Anal sex, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Humiliation, Creampie, Male domination, Trainer, Slave, Rape, Turn based combat, Management, Prostitution, Spanking, Character creation, Sex toys, Romance, Mobile Game

1. Extract and run (start_game.html).

Gameplay changes

  • [Game Engine] Increased available save slots from 8 to 12.
  • [Locations] Going to The Mastersphere (first class) now increases Palace Rating with 100 points.
  • [Sex Engine] Critical rolls during vaginal sex (doggy/missionary) now increase the MC’s Copulation skill up to a maximum of 100.
  • [NPC] The toggle armor/clothing button is now personal for each NPC instead of having one global on/off state.
  • [NPC] Added Acrobatics, Dancing, Ranged combat and Melee combat to the Conclude Day Log.
  • [NPC] It is now much harder to use the Acrobatics homeschooling sessions for increasing DEXTERITY.
  • [NPC] Ansel will no longer steal from you (domestic events) if his Respect is 20+.
  • [NPC] Tweaked The Black Scorpion enemy capture NPC to be a little less powerful.
  • [NPC] Scavengers that are convicts or slaves and have an Affection that is Despising or worse, now receive a significant yield penalty (more or less useless unless they have scavvie trait).
  • [NPC] Added new trait: Unbreakable.
  • [NPC] NPCs with the Herculean body type (males only) now require Hearty food settings in order to avoid Happiness and Affection drops.
  • [NPC] There is now a -15 penalty to your household’s Herald Skill if the Herald is either a convict or a slave.
  • [NPC] Janitors that are convicts or slaves and have an Affection that is Despising or worse, or if they are Angry, will now be very bad at performing repair work.
  • [NPC ] Slaves/convicts that are assigned as Janitors, with WILLPOWER 10+ will now try to sabotage your household if they are Abhorred- or Angry.
  • [HOUSEHOLD] Added Discipline update scripts for external workshops.
  • [ECONOMY] You can now sell HULC armors (NPC) to private mercenaries through Redhaven Market contacts. The price scales with the same “remaining HULC armors” variable used at the transit department. Selling a HULC armor will not increase that value, however. This means that looting HULC parts and building a complete set in the late game can be a very rewarding crafting mission.
  • [ECONOMY] All armor SELL values are increased if City Control drops below 10 (market demand effect).

Random NPCs

  • Added 5 new random male enemy sets (Av312-Av316).
  • Added 2 new scripted male enemy/ally set (Av357, Av358).
  • Added 25 male and 10 female names.
  • Added 10 new last names.
  • Added 400 words of random dialogue.

Political events and factions

  • Six new main Political events have been added, dealing with rebel and (2nd) republic doings. Some of these master events can split into other outcomes, which gives a total of 12 different flavor events.
  • The Republic now gains a daily tax based on random factors, Control and Prosperity.
  • Updated Earth’s and Raana’s timelines with more info and additional events.

Jail cell overhaul

  • Both jail cell upgrades now provide the same WILLPOWER-lowering effects (20% daily chance).
  • The upgraded jail cell will only lower Affection down to Despising (19) instead of Abhorred (9).
  • Paragons and ex-paragons have a 10% daily chance of decreasing their WILLPOWER compared other NPCs (20%).
  • Slave masters/mistresses now affect imprisoned NPCs if that NPC is assigned to them.
  • Tormentor effect: Slave masters/mistresses now have a daily 15% chance of lowering assigned, imprisoned NPCs’ WILLPOWER (down to a minimum of 4) if the slave master doesn’t have the Pure trait and has a Kindness below 50. A Kindness below 25 increases the Tormentor effect to 25%.

New Story NPC: Valerie Borsow
Valerie Borsow is now available at Furry’s Tavern, if you spend a number of nights listening to rumors and socialize with old friends. She comes with a small/medium quest (Amiable+ > Ask about background) that’s similar to the Cyber Cannon riddle – no handholding but with big rewards.

MAIN QUEST: New World Order (part 1 and part 2)
You’re now able to either ignore, help or smother Aria’s rebellion, depending on playstyle. Helping Aria’s cause sets you out on a grand adventure – from stealthy palace missions to high-tech hacking onboard USS Seneca. You’ll also play a vital part in strengthening the rebel faction before its final assault on The Palace.

You can also train and turn in a devoted/corrupted Aria for great rewards and appreciation from the ruling elite of Ikaanos, securing yet another century of Authoritarian rule.

Note! Phase 3 (the last assault) is still WIP, coming in

Increased NPC cap
You’re now able to house 96 NPCs instead of 80. Upgrade the dorms (lvl 3 – $50,000) and receive two extra pages of NPCs to fill out.

Combat overhaul

  • Nervous states: NPCs and enemies with WILLPOWER below 5 (25 on Grimdark difficulty) now have a 10% risk of becoming nervous in combat (-50 chance for one round) *if* both their Ranged and Melee skills are below 80.
  • Natural marksman: To compensate the growing power of melee combat, the ranged combat skill now scales exactly like STR damage bonus. This scaling begins at *Ranged combat 50+* and is potentially endless. A ranged skill of 120 should provide around 7 extra damage.
  • Decreased the maximum damage yield from power strikes (melee combat). Median damage from PS should now be roughly 4-5 points less.
  • NPCs with Discipline 24 or less now receive a -10 chance penalty in combat.

New random captives system
Kymanto now offers drunkards, brawlers, unlucky fortune seekers and other rabble to all their licensed slavers. This is a rather new system that’ll be further enhanced in later versions. For this release (0833), we have a semi-scripted randie called Aaron, who also introduces a completely new trait (Berserker).

Follower groups
You can now assign up to six different follower groups and switch between each group with just one click. All *current* followers are automatically reassigned to old jobs when dismissed. Switching groups can be performed at home or when in Redhaven unless you build the Stables (horse lvl. 2+).


  • The “Won Combat” window now alternates between four different scenes.
  • Replaced or added many interior/exterior scenes (taverns, arena, bathrooms etc).
  • Added 4 new harness + collar/chain wardrobe pics for Adrienne and Laika (Tier request).
  • Replaced 6 Aria sex scenes.
  • Added Aria’s Morning BJ set.
  • Added 5 sex scenes for Valerie Borsow.
  • Added 20 wardrobe pics for Valerie Borsow.
  • Added 21 Arena scenes (Nicole, Caitlin, Dakota, Aisha, Averil, Loren, Mai-Lynn).
  • Added 7 wardrobe pics for The Valkyria (mostly armor).
  • Added 2 bathing scenes (Caitlin, Aisha).
  • Added 5 Office missionary scenes (Kelly, Nichole x2, Adora, Kate) Tier request.
  • Added 3 new random hangar scenes for The Mastersphere.
  • Added combat sprites for the Cultist Monk NPC.


  • Fixed a serious bug that would freeze the game if certain slaves ran away during camping trips.
  • Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t unassign arena NPCs from their slots when sold or killed.
  • Fixed a serious bug that would unset the “Days in Bondage” variable.
  • Fixed a serious bug that would add a ghost arena NPC when unassigning tavern goldwalkers.
  • Fixed a serious bug that allowed you to train (Dojo) unconscious or seriously hurt NPCs to obscene skill and attribute levels.
  • Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t reset the head chef title if you “clear all titles” in the debug menu. Use the “clear all titles” command again to properly reset it.
  • Fixed a bug that would throw a red error when adding Aisha to your household in the Penthouse.
  • Fixed a bug that would display blank screens for certain NPCs during the evening.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to add more NPCs than allowed.
  • Fixed a bug that would execute Master Hemme’s course automatically when entering The Academy.
  • Fixed the broken make out image for old Issid NPCs.
  • You can no longer assign convicts and slaves as foremen.
  • The Preacher trait should now provide its +15 conversion bonus.
  • Fixed a bug that would screw up birthday proclamations for NPCs if the MC’s age was set to Freeze.
  • You can no longer have a private session with Eliana while doing her quest.
  • You can no longer interact with (and add) Raana-dwelling NPCs while up at The Mastersphere.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase DEX and Discipline from horse riding assignments.
  • Fixed a bug that would deduct $2500 instead of $1900 for the second camp upgrade.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t assign the Techie trait (MC) during character creation.
  • Fixed a bug that enabled to you gain the Engineer trait for free by selecting and then deselecting it during character creation.
  • Fixed a bug that would apply player/NPC damage reduction to enemies under certain circumstances (combat).
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow you to turn around (view behind) NPCs in the randies container (Adora).
  • Fixed a bug that would leave a blank interaction pane if interacting with gardeners after 5 pm.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t deduct money for the IMS Ulthar event.
  • Fixed a bug that would screw up the quest log for The Goonies if you took them out after freeing Rosita Ice.
  • Replaced several arena pics that were too tall (10px), creating overlapping issues.
  • Fixed a bug that would display double win/loss pics for Aria at the Arena.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display Morning BJ placeholders.
  • Fixed many typos.

v0.8.3.2Gameplay changes

  • [NPC] NPCs with Willpower 60+ (+5) and 80+ (+5) now receive an extra escape chance bonus (max +10).
  • [NPC] There’s now a second page for viewing “States” in the Skills & Trait Section.
  • [NPC] Fighting in the Arena now adds to “Battles fought” for NPCs. They also gain Fame if they meet a strong opponent – especially if the NPC’s Fame is relatively low.
  • [NPC] Michelle now starts with a Lesbian Devotion of 35.
  • [NPC] The Conclude Day log now looks much tidier with many new skills and attributes added.
  • [NPC] Household NPCs should now be generally more affected by Household Stats.
  • [NPC] Female NPCs with body type 4+ and STRENGTH 70+ are no longer called Curvy/Plump (replaced with Well-built/Muscular).
  • [NPC] It should know be harder to homeschool most classes after reaching 100+ in the specific skill.
  • [NPC] Withdraw risk for servants+ will no longer be affected by your Guardpool unless the servant+ has a Willpower below 5.
  • [NPC] While being relatively docile upon capture, freeing a prowler captive now decreases City Control (-1) due the unimaginable horrors/nightmares that the wandering menace will cause the innocent people of Ikaanos. If that prowler wears a HULC, Duraplate or Stealth suit, the City Control loss is doubled.
  • [NPC] Most skills/Attributes now hard cap at 120 for Academy assigned NPCs.
  • [Character sheet] Healing items are now arranged under their own submenu in the Inventory pane.
  • [Market change] You can now buy healing ointments in bulks of 20 (60 uses).
  • [Market change] Added rifle to the new market engine, with difficulty modifications.
  • [Male slave framework] Male slave masters will no longer use other male slaves sexually.
  • [Assignments] Slave masters can no longer train Prowlers.
  • [Assignments] Maids now have a 15% chance to increase their Domestic up to a maximum of 60.
  • [Household] It’s now a little harder (50%>25%/day) to increase Household Corruption through NPCs with the Perverted Trait.
  • [Household] Added additional income boosts for Taverns with Rep 500+ and Rep 900+.
  • [Household] Gambling at an MC Tavern location now takes 1h/session.
  • MCs and NPCs that are 65+ or older will now double their aging penalties, up to a maximum of -5 STR/-5 DEX per year.

Quests, events and Story NPCs

  • New story NPC: Lt. Milou Skye. Lt. Skye is a Paragon NPC that you can acquire after a small, charm-based quest.
  • New quest: “Revenge!” Activates after reaching Amiable+ with Lt. Skye (Ask about background).
  • Releasing Aria from slavery will now give her the Paragon status. Note! Releasing Aria before finishing her quest might break the Slavemasters of Raana event chain!
  • Assigning both Loden and Laika as scavengers will now boost merchandise income with up to +6. The duo might also bring home extra tendstims.
  • Added one new Political Event tied to a future female Paragon NPC.
  • You’re now able to capture another powerful male antagonist – The Black Scorpion. If you’ve already captured or defeated him, setting **$raien1 to 1** will reset his position and allow you to fight him one more time in Raikan.

Attribute depletion (MC)
Reaching 0 in either Strength, Stamina or Dexterity, from injuries or old age, now means Game Over.

Master traits
The MC can now gain *Master Traits* by reaching specific skill, attribute and quest-related thresholds.


  • Master of War provides increased combat damage.
  • Master Tactician provides bonuses to combat followers and penalties to enemies.

New skill: Occult
The MC has been given a new skill that determines his knowledge about Raana’s esoteric forces. Read more here.

Ironman mode
You can now enable an “Ironman” mode either in the Character Creation Process or through the Option > Mods > Ironman setting. Enabling Ironman means that any NPC who reaches -10 Health Points during combat situations is immediately killed and removed from the game.

New titles

  • Nurse: You’re now able to assign any number of NPCs as nurses. A nurse will heal your and your other NPCs’ Health and Happiness, based on her Discipline and Medicine skill. A healing action costs $5/NPC (sterile wash, bandages and other equipment). She’ll also remove up to 20 sexual wear points (of each type) if that type is 20+. You have to own enough ointments for this effect to be active.
  • Head chef: The head chef is a unique assignment that’ll control your household’s culinary atmosphere. It’s a title that carries great responsibility – make sure to give it to an NPC that you can trust.

Combat overhaul

  • Added a new injector tendstim type that can be used in combat situations. Number of uses per turn depends on your group’s total Medicine skill (60+ adds 1 use, 100+ adds 2 uses). You’re able to purchase combat injectors at The Mastersphere.
  • Added combat injector tendstims to various loot drops in and around Ikaanos.
  • Revamped the special attacks/actions section.
  • NPCs can now be equipped with the WEGA auto cannon (Cyber cannon). The Ammo Pack Trait does not affect WEGA cannister depletion.
  • Combat injury penalties (incapped MC) have been doubled for GrimDark difficulty (from -2 to -4).

New world section: The Mastersphere
The MC can now take the shuttle from *The Palace* district and travel off-world to the ancient spaceship U.S.S. Seneca, also known as The Mastersphere.

An established and/or wealthy kingpin can purchase unique items and acquire powerful implants at this location. He can also stay over night and enjoy the luxuries of U.S.S. Seneca’s Recreational facilities.

The Mastersphere will be expanded further in future updates – with new decks and locations opening up for Aria’s grand questline coming in

Overhauled Health systems
The Max Health attribute has been completely overhauled for the MC and all NPCs. The attribute is now calculated in a similar fashion for both “parties”, which removes the current over-patched NPC toughness/Build framework and the MC’s permanent and untrainable $mastermaxhealth variable.

Health is now calculated through STRENGTH + STAMINA + Body value (10-125), divided by 2. Various implants and traits are added after this calculation.

This means:

  • All NPCs will have their Health set to max when the new calculation executes. This only happens once, at Home, when you start an old save.
  • Most NPCs start with *slightly* more max Health.
  • All NPCs can be fitted with Health implants from Doctor’s Hall (NPC Menu > Actions > Doctor’s hall). Note that NPCs still wont accept getting cut open unless their Affection is Loving+.
  • All accumulated/grinded Max HP points will be removed now that the toughness variable is a *based-on value* instead of a separate attribute.
  • It is now generally much less time-consuming to increase an NPC’s max health.
  • The Max Health attribute is very easy to mod; for various difficulty settings, new implants, new traits, etc.


  • Added 5 bathing scenes (Juno, Aria, Dakota, Laika, Aiko).
  • Added 11 Inspect pics for Kelly.
  • Added 6 wardrobe pics for Kelly.
  • Added 1 Inspect pic for Adrienne (plugged).
  • Added 15 Arena combat scenes (Juno, Aria, Laika, Aiko, Av207).
  • Replaced Aisha’s undies pic (Tier request).
  • Added 25 wardrobe pics for Av40.
  • Added 11 Inspect pics for Av40.
  • Added 24 sex scenes (av40, av113, av126).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a serious bug that allowed you to assign more than three slave masters.
  • Fixed a serious bug that wouldn’t remove professor assignments from sold or killed NPCs.
  • Fixed a serious bug that would throw red errors when a random slave successfully escaped your household.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t let slaves get rid of addiction due to not having a salary.
  • Fixed several glitchy variable assigners and odd responses in the party engine.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t properly assign Tavern goldwalker yield to a tavern’s base income.
  • Removed several lingering variables that would disable income from Rebecca’s skulduggerist title.
  • Fixed a bug that would throw a red error when adding certain story slaves.
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to loot the revolver from enemies in the third slot (like The Valkyra).
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t display the MC’s dialogues when asking for sex at the arena.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t apply the DEX penalty/bonus to an escape attempt.
  • Fixed a bug that would switch the drugs/alcohol option in the party engine.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow interactions with Caitlin when she was at The Mastersphere.
  • Added a scrollable pane to the Loot screen. This will remove the risk of getting unclickable Continue buttons after combat.
  • Fixed several assignment errors that wouldn’t add Influence from gear (stables).
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t add Affection to Bud after completing “Bud’s Bullies”.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t clear virgin states in the arena.
  • Fixed a bug that would leave a blank header for Goldwalker professions.
  • Fixed a bug that would disable the Continue button after defeating Goran-Ika, if the MC was downed.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t increase vag. experience for escorts during Gold Walker runs.
  • Fixed several missing training room scenes (broken images).
  • Arena Gladiators will no longer magically appear in your household during pool parties.
  • Fixed various unintended exploits/texts that displayed wrong sex checkers or enabled the player to access blocked content.
Android troubleshooting
This game is currently not officially supported on Android devices, but here’s a collection of fixes/tweaks that might make life easier for those who use joiplay or a tablet.

Solution #1

The game has not been adjusted to mobile platforms, but some users have been able to play it on Chrome just fine, in the case of this not working for you, it is possible to play it with the emulator joiplay that is available on the play store or on the patreon of the developer of the app, if the game is appearing cropped for you on joiplay, you can try to ajust the value width-scale found within the html file by directly opening it as a txt, if this is not possible, rename the end of the file “.html” to “.txt” then open the file, the value width-scale is easily found within the start of the file, then you can try changing the value from 1 to values ranging from 0.2 to 0.6, then rename the file to html again and test to see if the new value resolves the cropping for you.



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