v8.42First we wanted to apologise about the bug that made the ugly and un-dismissable message display on the home screen constantly. We were very busy this month and managed to leave this nasty little bug in last weeks update.
It should be fixed now along with a few other smaller bugs.
Also, Santa is back!
Bugfixes:– Fixed the bug with made the annoying message about ‘0’ appear constantly on the home screen
– Fixed a bug that prevented people from getting the final reward from the sissy dreams storyline
– Fixed multiple UI elements that were prone to freak out at certain resolutions
– Holiday content is active now
– Updated 5 location images
– Small but important fixes
– You can now find Derek at the gym after visiting the gym five times
– (…)
Hi everyone, this is my complete walkthrough & cheats for hornstown until 6.6 version,
please open this file with a browser chromium base, like a chrome, opera, edge,
in the firefox may be you had a little problem with it.
5.92 brings a long list of fixes, mostly related to few instances where your sex skills and experiences might get messed up in-game. We are still hard at work at next week’s update which should arrive right on time. Thanks again for everyone who keeps sending in these reports!
And of course, thanks for all the support!
– Certain scenes in the porn storyline will no longer reset your sex skills or experiences
– Taking part in Selena’s movie scene in the detective storyline will no longer set your attitude to extremely submissive
– No more weird time skips/warps in Dean’s storyline
– The first letter of the Stalker storyline will now actually describe your character correctly
– “time” and “times” are now used correctly on the character sheet
– Pronouns should now be correct when cruising for sex in Extreme Circumstances
– Fixed a bunch of nonsensical code (‘0’, ‘playersubname’) appearing in the game’s text
– The public version’s ad-banner will no longer appear on the city map
– Fixed a big bunch of typos again.
Today’s update is a bit unconventional as it’s a bit light on text content, but makes up for it with a bunch of improvements to the look and presentation of the game. This includes a fresh new UI, new character creation options, a few QoL improvements and lots of tweaks behind the scenes.
Please consider, that the new user interface has been optimized for the three most popular screen size: 2560×1440, 1920×1080, 1680×1050, so mainly the 16:9 screen ratio.
Although it is responsible, due to the vast amount of content in the game, including so many different layouts (character generation, shops, HornyZ app, phone functions, bimbo/himbo storyline etc.) and also the many different screen sizes and ratios from old smartphones to high-end 8K screens, it is most likely, that you will find parts in the game where the user interface mixes up.
During this year we will work constantly to make the new UI seamless on all imaginable screen types and in every small part of the game.
If you want to help our work, and find tangled UI somewhere in the game, please send us a screenshot about it!
Hope you like the new look, and as always, thanks for all the support!
– More than 120 000 characters (24 000 words) worth of new content.
– 20+ new high resolution images
– A new UI, look and new starting options
– Three new prostitutes to hire in the Red Light District
– New scenes for existing ones
– Prostitutes, vanila sex, D/s content, BDSM content, humiliation, watersports, teasing, exhibitionism and more!
The new look
– A new UI
– A more informative layout
– New, more exciting starting options
– QoL improvements
– Revised character sheet and summaries about your character’s appearance and history
People of the night (Voted in by the community)
– Three new prostitutes to meet in the red light district
– Can you satisfy the insatiable Petra?
– Are you extreme enough to try out Elvira?
– Who will you be when hiring the enigmatic switch, Shane?
– Olaf, Alice and Raphael have new scenes
– All prostitutes can grant you a discount, if you are willing to do something for them
– New more extreme scenes for all your fetish needs
– Prostitutes, vanila sex, D/s content, BDSM content, humiliation, watersports, teasing, exhibitionism and more!
– More than 200 000 characters (50 000 words) worth of new content.
– 30+ new high resolution images
– Main square has a new feature: people watching
– Meet Mrs. Woods, a wealthy MILF looking for a nice and subservient sugar baby
– Encounter a bunch of colorful characters going about their business, and choose who you want to see more of in the future
– Get recognized as a cam whore, a porn star or a bondage model in multiple different scenes
– Encounter new random events in the park, their outcome based on your skills and what you are wearing
– Vanilla sex, D/s content, teasing, crossdressing, objectification, exhibitionism, humiliation, sex toys, threesomes and more!
Mrs. Woods’ new toy
– Encounter Mrs. Woods while people watching at the main square
– Prove yourself to be a useful little boy or girl and get invited into her circles
– Go on multiple dates, each with…interesting outcomes
– Behave well and impress her so that you get invited to her mansion
– Entertain her alone or with some help
– Make sure to please her to gain a generous allowance
– D/s content, teasing, crossdressing, humiliation, sex toys, threesomes and more!
Bustling city life (voted in by the community)
– See what residents and visitors of Hornstown get up to in public
– Make your interest known: your favorite might just get more content added later!
– Watch and be watched: you will get recognized as a cam whore, a porn star or a bondage model in multiple different scenes
– Run into new events when hanging out at the park, and see if you have the right skills to come out on top
– See how the public reacts to some of your more interesting wardrobe choices
– Vanilla sex, D/s content, humiliation, objectification, exhibitionism and more!
– You can now change out of your himbo uniform at home is you have other clothes to wear
– You can now buy a swimsuit as a himbo/bimbo and go to the beach!
– Tattoo issues have been fixed for the bimbo avatar
– You will now remove your uniform when you get home from the clerk job
– The location image has been adjusted when sleeping at home to represent nighttime
– Now the clothes will be displayed on your actual avatar when shopping at the mall
– Issues with trying to find specific NPCs at Extreme Circumstances have been fixed
– Esme can now be reached at the coven if you are looking for a book but have already finished the witch storyline
– Ivette, the submissive girl from Extreme Circumstances and Trinity from the casino have received updated renders for their content
– The Walkthrough for the porn star content has benn updated, now giving information about all 10 porn movies you can make
Just some fixes and extra info as we are already hard at work at the next update. Patrons can still vote for the upcoming storyline although it looks pretty clean cut so far.
Apart from fixing bugs, we are also updating our walkthrough. The Sugar Daddy storyline should be more approachable now, and the Himbo and the Latex Gimp storylines have their own walkthroughs.
– Fixed the player being addressed as ‘Mister’ if they identify as female in the Helen storyline
– Removed references to the player having a dick if they don’t have one in several Carnival scenes
– Fixed a couple of missing images in the ‘Nordic girls’ HornyZ date, the supermarket clerk job and the stripper storyline
– The mysterious app should count your sex changes correctly from now on
– You can actually win a straight bet at the roulette table in the casino
– Walkthorugh for the Sugar Daddy storyline should be more clear now
– Walkthorughs have been added to the more obscure Himbo and Latex Gimp storylines