Parasite Infection Free Download Adult Games Anon Smith

Parasite Infection r1.36 by Anon Smith, Parasite Infection is a sexually explicit game dealing with multiple niche fetishes. It is currently a text and picture adventure game being developed in Twine.​

Updated: 2025-01-27
Release Date: 2025-01-27
Developer: Anon Smith Patreon – TFgamesite
Censorship: No
Version: r1.36
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, Monster, Text based, Sci-fi, Adventure, FF, F-Self, Sub, Dom, Preg, Swap, F2M, Involuntary TF, M2F, Possession, Herm, Corruption, Voluntary TF

1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “Parasite Infection 3.12.html” to start playing
-Adding x5 and x10 liquids works correctly. (I know, it is obsolete, but a bit annoying these red messages.)
-Returned the detection section on the cheat page in part 5.
-Collecting liquids in parts 4 and 5 works correctly for the 3rd row of breasts.
-Fixed a bug that broke the sequence of the carrier’s mind hack. (maybe partially)
-The “Scissors” pose is only available when both participants have a vagina.
-Fixed a lexical error in part 4, when the infested were called infected in the report.
-Fixed the display of the location on the map in part 5.
-Images of the process of pushing choker eggs for the Antari race are displayed.
-“Inseminate All” now does not reduce arousal below the minimum value (sometimes works only if you change the room)
-Fixed the image of NPC Will.


Additions & changes:
* [Part 3-4] Bridged the transitioning of picked host with infested parasites to be usable in part 4 from part 3
* [Cheats->Walkthroughs] Added a small description for those who stuck and want to progress from part 4 to 5
* [Part 2-3] Added transition with biosuits and other infested parasites. If MC is not equipped with a biosuit there will be a warning in red color about not being able to progress to part 3
* [Part 1+] Character that wears a merged starfish suit now gestates the parasites at an increased speed rate by 2
* [Part 2] Added to the self inspection page in the list of characters met the status of infestation with a biosuit
* [Part 1+] Character with a canal infested vagina now gestates the biosuit in their womb with an increased speed rate by 1
* [Part 5] Added mindhack lvl increase possibility if host orgasms to “Induce masturbation” option (The full mindhack event descriptions will be skipped, while increasing mindhack lvl with this option)
* [Part 5] Now when the host is over aroused – the passage will change automatically to the masturbation page. Increased arousal drop from ordinary masturbation 5→10
* [Part 5] Added a text descriptor of pheromone infestation progress in base rooms that pheromone release was initiated at least once
* [Part 5] While in control of host added the option to harvest fluids and parasites from an infested nearby NPC that you can approach without extra passage entries

Bug fixes & corrections:
* [Part 4] Fixed conditions in the lower bedroom main house for the chosen host from previous parts to be displayed correctly
* [Part 2] Fixed incorrect part checkers for displaying infested parasites on body of Amy
* [Part 4] Fixed a bug where possessing another body from previous chapters that is not Chloe added that character body to the harem member list
* [Part 2] Fixed a bug where the player can inject a biosuit into a character with already gestating biosuit
* [Part 2] Excluded Rene from ‘During the day’ event list
* [Part 2] Fixed bug where gestating a biosuit would still allow to create a new biosuit larva on top of it
* [Part 2] Added space key usage to progress through morning mind assimilation passage
* [Part 2] Added audio stop of infestation music after doing any infestation with captured Joan
* [Part 2] Parasite inventory placement fix back to profile image top location
* [Part 5] Fixed ventilation traversal in werm form in the night time phase. Space button assigned for “Crawl out” from ventilation and “Get back into last host”(the last one that was possessed by the player) while in werm form


* Added part picker to the title screen directly
* [Part 5] Added option during night phase “Masturbate close to someone” that can be used if host has a parasite in vagina or penis. The infestation has a 15% to occur on a randomly picked NPC in room
* [Part 5] While in control of the host, approaching and having sex with another NPC while their resist is 30 or more while there are other NPC’s in the room results in a discovery bad event (+10 to busted meter)
* [Part 5] Added option “Induce masturbation” that can be used while not in control of host. This option advances time, increases host perversion by 5 and if there are other people in the room at the moment of using this option +20 to detection meter from each person. Doing this action when arousal is quite high will increase host’s perversion by 5 more
* [Part 5] Added option “Increase birth rate” that can be used on any time phase excluding night. This option advances time and gives 1 extra werm parasite on night phase
* [Part 5] Added “Pheromone release” option to be also available when in control of the host (inhabiting the neck choker)
* [Part 5] Added the option to safely get out of the current host and possess another host in Sleeping Quarters rooms during the night phase
* [Part 5] Pheromone infected rooms can now infect the characters that visit the room. The probability is based of the % of the room infection
* [Part 5] Removed message when exiting host not on “night” time phase
* [Part 5] Added progress tracker to the “Resistance Reclamation” events descriptor (“#/Total”)
* [Part 5] Added “You released pheromones” to the descriptions of pheromone release mechanic
* [Part 5] Changed room size for pheromone release to work faster. Armory 100 → 45, Laboratory 100 → 30, Brig 100 → 60, Dining 100 → 45, Bathroom 100 → 30, Engineering 100 → 80, Kitchen 100 → 60, Range 100 → 50, Sleeping Quarters 1/2/3 100 → 30, Utility Room 100 → 30.
* [Part 5] Room clearance mech requirements lifted, mech simplified
* [Part 2+] Decreased perversion stat requirement for auto-accept of parasite infestation on ‘During the Night’ events (150 → 100)
* [Part 5] Changed text color of perversion increase(cyan → purple) and resistance decrease(cyan → dark orange) for pheromone release event and % display rounded to 1 decimal
* [Part 5] Added bottom navigation menu(s). Can be accessed when in control of host character
* [Part 5] Added Unique parasites. Other characters can be turned into werms in the engineering room when they are choker and neck werm infested. Unique parasites use unique slots that do not take up space from ordinary infestation slots
* [Part 1+] Space button can now be used to progress through most infestation passages
* [Part 5] Directional keyboard keys can now be used to navigate through the base
* [Part 4] Directional keyboard keys can now be used to cycle through bottom navigation menu and some other passages
* [Part 1+] Space button is now used on “Continue” in self/other body part infestation passages
* [Part 1] Directional keyboard buttons can now be used to use some of the options in passages with multiple click options
* [Part 2] Directional keyboard keys can now be used to cycle through bottom navigation menu. ‘←’ – jump to first page in the menu, ‘→’ – cycle through the passages in the navigation menu; ‘↑’ and ‘↓’ – upstairs/downstairs if there is any.
* [Part 2-5] Space button can now be used to progress through most passages

Artwork changes & additions:

* [Title screen] Added images of picking game part to the title screen
* [Sex acts art] Added male chest base image links to “doggy style” sex act
* [Part 1+] Fixed auto speech bubble portraits to display correctly male/female version of how Chet/Chloe looks.

Bug fixes & corrections:

* [Part 5] Added [?] notification message at the “Laboratory” for the biosuit tech usage about capturing threat
* [Part 1+] Fixed NPC sex act chooser by preference getting off bound with no value (cannot execute macro <<npc_sex_choices>> during NPC sex act bug)
* [Part 5] “+1 phase delay” and the supporting it text of “Reclamation plotline” on during the “Time advances” events now have extra bold text formatting
* [Part 1+] Added measures of removing “undefined” NPCs that can surface on “During the night/day” events
* [Part 5] Corrected NPCs ‘masturbate’ behavior to infect the room with moles of pheromones
* [Part 5] Removed “Actions x/max” description when in parasite form
* [Part 5] Removed “Up/Down” buttons from the elevator passage. Added correct descriptions for each floor.
* [Part 5] Added a limiter to “overall awareness” for the value to stay in 0-100 bounds
* [Part 2+] Fixed situation where on during the day events “check body” & “infested open” events bugged the message display with a “<<day_cycle>>: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘merged’)”
* [Part 2+] Fixed “partnersex” night event not increasing “infected” quest count occurence

[Part 1] Space button can now be used to progress through most passages
[Part 1] ←, ↑, ↓, → button image directions can now be used by pressing the corresponding keyboard buttons
[Part 1+] Now “Map” can be closed by pressing the “M” key
[Part 5] Moved “Get outside of current host” lower on the passages
[Part 2+] Changed NPC during the day/daytime decision tree
[Part 5] Added plotline progression on `during the noon` passages
[Sex acts] Added doggystyle art image links. Changed doggystyle target requirement from a ‘fuckable anus’ to a ‘fuckable vagina’
[Part 5] Added busted meter that can be seen during the “Night” time phase
[Part 2] Added day and day of week display to profile image viewer
[Part 5] Added night infestation options that can be accessed in the “Night” time phase
[Part 5] Now in the ‘Night’ time phase parasite birthing event occur
[Part 5] Added extra descriptors to be more aware of time progression (start and end of ‘During the Day/Night’ events)
[Part 5] Added time progression icon at top left of character profile
[Part 5] Now attempting to infest the host while in werm form and the host perversion is less than 60 or resistance more than 40 will result in instant game over
[Part 2] Added Brett’s female version display if their gender is female
[Part 5] ‘Release pheromones’ action now increases host perversion, lowers host resistance. Message displayed on ‘During the Day/Night’ events page
[Part 5] Infection lvl of each room is now displayed on the overall map
[Part 5] Added ‘Mutate or Merge parasites’ options
[Part 5] Fixed empty ‘Continue’ passage link during Egg incubation infestation passage
[Sex acts] Fixed perspective issues in ‘Receive blowjob’ act
[Part 4] Fixed progression issues while using a biosuit to do pheromone infestations in houses
[Part 2] Removed Julie too large belly image links for suit gestation situation. Large belly images for gestation situation are now the same as for egg incubation situation
[Part 5] Fully removed ‘tension’ stat from having a role in ‘game over’ mechanics
[Part 5] ‘Release pheromones’ now infects the room with pheromones. Amount is relevant to the amount and type of parasites infesting the host. Message displayed on ‘During the Day/Night’ events page
[Part 2+] Fixed attached parasites color mutations not consuming intended fluids
[Part 2+] Fixed self injection of fluids. Fixed MC overnight vaginal colored parasite mutations
[Part 5] Removed the “Tension” stat from starting an instant “Game Over”
[Part 5] Now “release pheromones” advances time to the During the Day/Night events directly

[Part 4] Added notifications of doing the harvesting action in the harem member viewer page
[Part 2+] Added naked Chloe colored vaginal werm parasites image links
[Sex acts] Corrected colored breasts starfish infestation image layering for antari and human
[Sex acts] Added colored parasites image links for breast penetration act
[Part 2] Added neck choker, mouth canal, breasts starfish (large and normal) colored parasites image links for Linda
[Part 2] Added neck choker, mouth canal colored parasites image links for Nurse and mouth canal, neck choker, breasts starfish, vagina canal colored parasites image links for Chloe in Nurse interaction/visit page
[Part 2] Added breast starfish (large and normal), neck choker, vagina canal and mouth canal colored parasites image links for Tracie
[Part 2] Added breast starfish, neck choker and mouth canal colored parasites image links for infested Claire
[Part 1+] Added D+ breast sizes image links for MC in a jumpsuit
[Part 1] Added large breasts image link for “Scientist”, “Secretary/Admin”, “Comm Officer”, Rene
[Part 4] Entering the “Create other parasites” page now automatically collects all of the fluids from the character that is currently occupied
[Part 4] Added harvest switcher in the harem page. Now can harvest also fluids from the harem list page
[Part 2] Added Robyn starfish colored parasite variant image links on large breasts
[Part 2] Added Quinn large breast image links. Now colored starfish images for large breasts are used
[Part 2] Added Julie large belly image links for suit gestation situation. Previous belly images are moved to egg incubation situation
[Part 4] Fixed bug occurrence where doing a fast color mutation did not consume intended fluid type
[Part 1+] Returned the birthing functionality of all colored types of the werm parasite
[Part 4] Fixed Spiir fight progression for gaining them as a harem member
[Part 4] Fixed the hospital infection sequence. Now the “Artificial Womb Room” can accessed after infecting the hospital
[Part 4] Increased trap chance by 3 times than it was before. Increased the minimal trap chance of all parasites to at least be able to do an infestation
[Part 4] Fixed passage change to another passage occurrences when doing a solo parasite color mutation in the “Parasite Conversion” passage
[Part 2] The image on the “A Bright Light” passage is now clickable to access the next passage
[Part 2] Removed text-only cyan parasite conversion options to visual clickable options in Sanctum
[Part 1] Removed text-only cyan parasite conversion options to visual clickable options in Surgery Room
[Part 1] Fixed undefined line of text when doing the seduction sequence with the scientist
[Part 4+] Added grayed out button images for the parasite conversion unavailable actions

[Part 2] Testing clothing mechanism
[Part 4] Removed image display of the character on the passage right after body swap
[Part 4 art] Fixed size of Greyce portrait when in her body to fit size of side menu
[Part 1+] Separated social and biological character sex recognition. Character is considered biologically male if they have a penis above 10 in size. Character is socially seen as female if breasts size is more or eq than 20.
[Part 2] Added option to get MC squirt from masturbation option ‘Finger vagina’ (requires at least 1 action to be used)
[Sex acts] Fixed squirt acquiring during orgasms with vaginal orifices
[Settings] Removed alert message if ‘translations.js’ file is missing. Now the message is displayed in the settings screen. Need to “RESTART” game if placing the translations file in the game directory during play.
[Part 1+] Added antari variant of the werm breasts infest image link
[Sex acts] Fixed “show/hide non available acts” flickering occurrence
[Part 2+] Changed needed fluids for attached parasites mutations: for merged – 4, for unmerged – 8
[Part 2+] Added alternate parasite color mutations without the need to incubate, but a lot of fluids is needed in exchange (6 for now). Requirements for it to be open is same as for womb incubation
[Part 4 art] Added greyce image links
[Part 3+] Corrected the portrait display on speech bubbles for the MC if MC is not Chloe/Chet
[Sex acts art] Added image link to “scissoring” act
[Part 2] Expanded optional “journal” entries.

[Part 2] Added “journal”(located in the cheats page for now). Added journal entries for the main questline.
[Part 2+] Colored parasite mutation picker moved lower to the mutation section of “Self inspect”
[Part 4] Added ‘Victoria’ image links
[Part 4] Fixed “Yellow house” pheromones infestation error during infestation quest
[Sex acts art] Added new human participants “fellatio” and “fellatiogive” acts image links. Added new canal parasites image links for human participants
[Sex acts] Added a “show/hide” button for non-available sex acts. Sex-menu now has a height scrollbar if the menu is longer than the screen height
[Sex acts] Added a duo-shaft mindfuck sex act
[Sex acts] Changed “mindfuck” acts requirements from “a penis of any type” to “a natural penis or werm in vagina”
[Sex acts art] Antari with human ass to ass image link addition

[Part 2] During first intro scene after kissing Tracie will now be aware that the MC is infested
[Part 1+] Fixed spelling of `mindfuck` act for male targets
[Part 1+ art] Fixed missionary sex canal art layering
[Part 1+] Now during sex encounter NPC/MC can learn of the opposite side infestation state
[Part 1+] If the NPC knows that the MC is infested it is now displayed as an additional descriptor in the infestation page of NPC
[Part 1+] Added additional description inside each sex act to be aware of the cause of arousal changes at the end of the act
[Part 1+] Unavailable sex acts are now displayed as grayed out options. Hovering over the `[?]` will display the conditions for the option to be available to use.
[Part 1+] Removed sex act initiation description on sex act start if the initiator is the MC
[Part 1+] Added new `ass to ass` human version image artwork link
[Part 1+] MC can now initiate giving option of `Missionary` and `Fellatio` when their resistance is more than 50
[Part 1+] Mind meltdown during neck penetration stat changes. 1st stage: 50%->10% decrease of resistance, perversion set to 75%->30% of max perversion; 2nd stage: minimal arousal set to 30%->20% of max arousal, resistance set to minimum->[20, minimal_resistance*2], perversion set to 100%->60% of maximum perversion.
[Part 1+] Fixed parasite inventory item image disappear on quantity = 0
[Part 4] Infestation menu corrections to work with harem system & NPCs in harem
[Part 4] Fango images corrections to work with harem system
[Part 4] Maroon house final infestation step now correctly adds Fango to harem
[Part 1+] Added extra descriptor when initiating a `inseminate all` option and no parasites were inseminated/fertilized
[Part 2+] Starting a “mindfuck” now costs 1 action point (all characters have 2 action points by default, NPC’s use up 1 action point when attacking the MC for sex)
[Part 1+] Red Choker parasite now increases MC/NPC action points by 2 and Blue Choker parasite decreases it by 1
[Part 2] Attached parasites menu color switcher and color mutation usage is now restricted from the `Your room` passage
[Part 2+] NPC’s with “Partnersex” behavior will now initiate insemination on their partner on during the day events
[Part 1+] “Masturbate” behavior option has been removed from mindfuck options
[Part 1+] Added “Erode Mental Armor” (reduces resistance by 40 and max resistance by 20) and “Perpetual Fantasies” (Increases minimum arousal by 20) mindfuck options
[Part 1+] “Oral penetration” sex act now reveals the stomach werm parasite if there’s a hidden one
[Part 4] Grey house code execution fully implemented for current plot volume
[Part 1+] Changed max size of breasts influenced by cyan starfish 90->80.
[Part 4+] Harem member collect parasites button fixed to as was intended
[Part 4] Corrected parasite birth display/execution to intended for case when not inside Chloe and visiting their room
[Part 2] Added passage links to Joan and Jessica rooms in “Dining Room” and “Your Room” if they are neck infested with a choker parasite. Also passage links back to “Your Room” from those passages if that character(Joan/Jessica) in the room is neck infested
[Part 1+] Moved attached parasites mutation color chooser right before infestation display text

[Part 4] Encounter sex system corrected to work with harem system

[Part 4] Now infested NPCs move into the harem

[Part 2+] Added additional info on mutating parasites with fluids – what mutations will result with inserted fluids

[Part 2+] Added info on mouseover for stored fluids about parasite mutations with fluids

[Part 2+] Not stored fluids (those that are inside a body and is not in containers) display changed for easier readability

[Part 2+] Stored fluids are now available while being in any body

[Part4] During the day infected unknown fix

[Part 3+] Disabled the harmony/dominance infestation due to lack of usage

[Part 4] Added random events in Portal Hub. Priest, bureaucrat, politician random event mini plotlines

[Part 1+] “[undefined]” text display at end of page on mute audio fix

Parasite Infection 1.2 Changelog:
[Part 4] New characters addition to the story code: Marcia, Sapphire, Victoria, Dexter, Reginald. Removed characters from story: Ramellen, Strema, Alpi, Jothran, Sidra, Xelum, Motten, Girt.

[Part 4] Added `harem system` rework (main plot NPC’s can be turned into a harem member; mech in testing)

[Part 4 art] Added Reina main uninfested image link

[Part 4 content] Reworked all the houses to be less dynamic and more on rails. There is a main story for each house and a specific infestation progression. Rewrote the stories for the portal hub.

[Part 1] Fixed “is” and “are” usages in Infestation Menu

[Part 2] Amy infested image links. Corrected height fix (text now does not hide behind image)


  1. [Part 1+] NPC started sex encounter freeze due to orgasm loop fix
  2. [Part 4] House naming on during the night corrections
  3. [Part 2] Added NPC’s stats display for the Nurse
  4. [Part 5 art] Preggo belly and aroused werm(with and without canal) images intersection corrections
  5. [Part 5] Added Ventilation shaft 2 & Ventilation shaft 3 passages
  6. [Part 5] Added small profile pics when choosing a first body to infest as a werm
  7. [Part 4] Added coffee machine passage in the hospital
  8. [Part 1+] Added a stat clamp on stat display of NPC’s (resistance, perversion and arousal will stay within bounds when the stat display is first met in page)
  9. [Part 1 art] Added back old image links of MC antari self infesting mouth with werm
  10. [Part 4 art] Added black market image link & translator image link
  11. [Part 2+ art] Changed male PC naked choker layer to be higher than the breast images (to fix the small breasts image overlap the choker image)
  12. [Part 2] Added Joan in closet image links (breast, neck & mouth)
  13. [Part 2] Added Amy’s room and image link
  14. [Settings] Added font size changer that changes the text size inside the #passages (changes the story text font size). Default value is 16px, range is 10-48. Character portraits scale with text size. Settings will reset on page reload.
  15. [Settings] Separated volume and map scaling apply buttons (“Save changes” no longer applies any changes to volume and map scaling values) [Settings] Fixed a situation where the options of “Show mouth canal art” where unavailable/disappeared after setting it to “NO”

– Updated the map for the house and mall
– Added in new artwork for small objects
– Started cleaning up the sex module, less #’s and stats
– Will continue to update Parasite Infection 1 in the short term, I think I have a plan of what to do with part 4 to make it much better and more coherent.

Added r1.11 Android Port*


  1. an transition from part 3 to 4
  2. [Part 4+] Fixed hidden status exposure on infesting self with a canal in left or right hand
  3. [Part 4] Greyce image overlap fix
  4. [Part 1] Fixed Continue button after infesting NPC’s necks with a werm 1.1 Lots of quality of life changes, enhanced cheat menu, no plot additions. Only one version (cheat menu enabled)
  5. [Part 3+] Enabled generic Antari female and set her image to be equal to Sarah, along with Greyce
  6. [Part 1+] anticipation.mp3 overlapping audio during infestations bugfix
  7. [Part 3] Biosuit counter errors bugfix [Part 1+] Canal exposure during infestation/sex scenes bugfix
  8. [Part 1+] Inseminate error bugfix
  9. [Part 2+] Squirt(fluid) during sex scenes bugfixes New cheat menu, can be accessed through the settings (Added the contributors name to the Credits page). Old one renamed to basic cheat mode Updated sugarcube engine to latest (2.36.1) (edited).


  1. Update r1.08 – Part 4 fixes
  2. [Part 4] Create other parasite types removed from other houses (only starting house has this option now)
  3. [Part 4] Added solo Werm infestation (looks almost the same as the area parasite infestation, but only with one parasite type and quantity of 1) that has 100% infestation probability but random NPC pick. Message on during the night will have a solo additional descriptor. Can only be attempted once per day
  4. [Part 4] If the NPC that the player is interacting with is not married to the occupied host, then the initiate sex option will display that the ocupied host can’t initiate sex with the current NPC
  5. [Part 4] Self Infestation with parasites if now available only in the Blue House (starting house, where Sam and Greyce are)
  6. [Part 4+] Fixed correct image display if the occupied host is not Chloe for starfish on ass and werm in anus self infestation passages
  7. [Part 1+ art] Fixed image links for purple and red werm infestation passages. Fixed starfish image links for cases of infesting other than the 1st pair of breasts
  8. [Part 4] Options wait till evening and go to bed that were in the Blue house lower bedroom are now in the Blue house master bedroom
  9. [Part 4] Fixed some grammar issues (when first infesting grayce and sam in the first house, infestation menu) [Part 4] Arena invitation progress is now displayed in the arena signup passage
  10. [Part 4] Now a NPC’s room will not be shown in the house passages if they are the currently occupied host
  11. [Part 4] Fixed a situation where infesting the inhabitants of the first house two chokers and two werms were not used
  12. [Part 4] Added naked Chloe image links to “2 Story Blue House – Lower Bedroom” room (when not in Chloe)
  13. [Part 4] After the battle in the antari arena both of the participants become married. Now can use infestation options on an uninfested NPC if the NPC is in a married relationship with the occupied host
  14. [Part 4] Doubled the amount of pheromones that are released during “Pheromone release” option fix (now works as intended)
  15. [Part 4 Art] Added Ormus & Sam image links
  16. [Part 4] Added a method to progress to part 5 – Infest Ormus, controll them, open a portal in portal hub, get back into the original body, enter the portal
  17. [Part 2] When teacher is fully infested (neck choker and breasts starfish) and nurse if fully infested (neck choker, breasts starfish, vagina canal and werms in mouth, breasts, vagina, anus) there is a special infestation scene in the classroom after all sex education classes
  18. [Part 3-4] Profile images(when infesting a character from part 2) links changed to lowercase and added brett and linda profile image links
  19. [Part 5] Map image is now a movable div
  20. [Part 4] Adjusted Will’s parasite additions images to be displayed as intended (8 pixels upper)
  21. [Part 2+] Increased fluid injection quantity options for x5/x10. Now the NPC’s can collect fluids in themselves (but can’t move it to others) [Part 2] Added parasite color mutation for the NPCs.


  1. [Part 2+] Added biosuit mutation option for merged biosuits on PC/NPC’s (can transform one suit into another if there is: 1 suit of the wanted type, 20 parasites of the suit type family, 50 werms)
  2. [Part 4] Parasites now influence host battle stats. * blue: strength–, intelect+, agility++, * red: strength+++, intelect—, agility+, * white: intellect—, agility+++, strength+, * purple: intelect++, strength+, agility+, * cyan: intellect-, strength+, agility+, Each +/- increases/decreases battle stat (1 – 0.075, 2 – 0.15, 3 – 0.3). Efficiency of each types of parasites: werms: 40%, canals: 50%, starfish: 70%, choker: 100. Example: red starfish – strength: 0.30.7=0.21, agility: 0.0750.7=0.525, intelect: -0.3*0.7=-0.21 Every parasite that is infesting a host influences the stat changes (but not biosuit for now)
  3. [Part 4] Expanded manual battle actions. 3 main stances that each are mainly influenced by a certain stat the most. Aggresive – strength, thoughtfull – intelect, nimble – agility. [Sex acts art] Added starfishes on small breasts image links for target in missionary sex act
  4. [Part 5] Increased arousal influence on tension decrease during induced masturbation (4x more than before) [Part 4] Added Fango image links
  5. [Part 5] Fixed inability to infest other NPC’s with biosuits
  6. [Part 5] Taking control of NPC and first entering the “elevator” passage will always enter the 0 floor bugfix [Part 5] Added the option to enter the brig cell and enter Chloe’s body [Part 5] Approach Kandy option is now displayed as intended
  7. [Part 5] Increased line breaks between the Grab the key option and Approach… when inside Arnold (edited).

[Parts 1-2] Added walkthrough help section in menu
[Part 2] Added male MC naked mouth canal image link. Added female breasts werm, female mouth werm (can be hidden with the hide mouth canal art) image links
[Part 4] Added antari arena fight appointment
No artwork was added yet (several pieces done/incoming)

[Part 2] Fixed audio in the main room being too loud as well as playing during choker
[Part 2+] Overhauled the werm mindfuck mind control sequence. To get the domination pathway, put a red werm in your neck while having high resistance. To get the submission pathway, put any other werm in your neck with low resistance.
[Part 2] Discovered and fixed the extra vaginal infestations outdated stat changes (still had force). Updated choker to only set resistance -50 instead of setting it to zero, making it easier to maintain high resistance for the mindfuck sequence.
[Part 2] Discovered that there is still a lot of artwork that needs to be fixed
[Part 1] Autosave occurrence decreased to not affect game data load too much than needed (at room exits at the spaceship & at key points at the station)
[Part 2+] Added antari version of handholding, ass to ass, blowjob, breast elopement, hand breastfuck image links (only showable if the MC and NPC engaging in the sex act are both of the same species)
[Part 1+] Added MC starfish self buttocks infestation image links (antari & human)
[Part 1+] Replaced image links for MC/NPC werm mouth infestations
[Part 1+] Self infestation with colored werm variants in ass and vagina image links addition

[Menu] Autosave slot can be accessed starting from Starting Gender passage
[Part 1] Added autosave when entering Vertical Passage Fore/Mid/Aft, Spinal Corridor, Key Saychu Entrance, Key Dock Key Saychu Station Main Ring
[Part 2] Added autosave when entering Your room
[Part 2] Changed music play after freeing Joan (both cases)
[Part 2] Changed audio when first encountering Joan
[Part 1] On the page of Joan’s initial seduction on the spaceship, added lines with tan font color of PC’s holes getting fertilized
[Part 1+] Ejaculation into merged starfish infested breasts increase it’s size by 1 (doesn’t work on infestall)
[Part 2+] Infesting penis of MC/NPC with any werm will now increase current size of penis by 5
[Part 1] Fixed parasite_exposed() error during Brain Masturbation (when putting a werm into neck choker)
[Part 2+] Corrected Pretend to help anyone trying to turn you in(subvert) condition switch to avoid a possible During the Day(<<day_cycle>>) error. Added a descriptor for the subvert behavior while in a NPC room.


Part 1+] Choker on crotch dick size changes per time progress: cyan – shrinks by -3(was -1), white – shrinks by -2(was -1), red – increases by 1(max is 80 size), purple – shrinks by -2(was -1), blue – shrinks by -5(was -2)
[Part 1+] Putting starfish on males now gives them a type considering their overall species
[Part 1+] the menu for “body parasite mutation color” and “inject milk into vagina” now only shows up if the MC is able to perform mutations
[Part 1+] Restricted portrait & settings link clicking for sex options till the encounter ends
[Part 1+] Placed more specific conditions for fixing emerging errors on clicking back and forth between profile image and back to sex module
[Part 1+] Character/NPC main grouped stats are now displayed as integer(floor)
[sex menu] Re-added penis docking (receptive) sex option [Part 5] Exploration variable initiation changed to proper sequence order (a lot of bug messages on first entry of garage bugfix)
[Part 5] Fixed the option to enter the garage even if not in control of the NPC
[Part 5] Changed egg incubation conditions to infinite inventory
[Part 2+] Added naked male profile image links



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parasite-infection-anon-smithThis game is really good. It is pretty weird that I find it really hot, considering it's about getting infected by parasites, but the themes are so good. Gameplay is a bit confusing, as I usually don't know what I should do in order to acomplish the game's goals, but that may be my own fault for not paying enough attention. I wish this goes forward and would like to see how the game will turn out to be. Worth exploring, it's something unique.